Friday, April 24, 2009

Some characteristics of Sindhi journalism

According to Riaz SOhail
Some characteristics of Sindhi journalism are:

Public service traditions: It is less commercialise and have public service traditions, due to its increased political role
Having a political role: Till independence entire Press in sub continent had political role. Sindhi press not only inherited this legacy but due to strong cnete and tense relationship between provinces and centre, Sindhi press opted to stand with it people that is for more provincial rights and provincial autonomy. This continues till today. Sindhi press has strong opinion about water issue, NFC award, more power for provinces. Sindh and its rights

Opposed to the feudals:
Anti government
It is as peculiar as Sindhi society itself is:
Culture, archaeology, environment,
Human rights
Sindhi journalism is still in its formative phase, having political, economic constraints. This is also reflected in low income to the owners of the Sindhi media and low salaries to journalists. It is perception that journalists in Sindh are underpaid and financially exploited.
. There is dire need for training of Sindhi journalistic trainings for promotion of qualitative journalism.
. Majority of working journalists have non-media/journalism formal education.
. The journalists in Sindh face security threats on the part of local influential, law-enforcing agencies, student leaders and government.
. There was time when Sindhi was supposed to be less credible as compared with the Urdu and English journalism, however with new Sindhi journalism this has been vanished it is supposed to be equally credible to the English journalism.
. The journalists working for English papers are paid more and have higher status in society compare to those who are working in Sindhi, and Urdu papers.
. By the majority of journalists in Sindh objectivity is not practiced while in reporting and editing the news.
. In Sindh there just exists so-called press freedom.
. There is more need of journalism/media training schools for working journalists.
. Journalists in Sindh have played role for the stability of democracy.
. The general attitude of almost all state-governments has remained hostile towards press media.
. Desperately need education of media/press laws and ethics.
. State uses advertising and newsprint as tool to contain the press.
. The overall policy of press media towards state is neutral.
. Sindhi journalism has been playing to develop critical thinking among the people.
. Journalists in Sindh have political leanings towards one or another party.
. Sindhi journalists have been advocating the cause of nationalism.
. Majority of journalists in Sindh began their career in journalism without having prior formal journalistic training.
. Newspapers and press clubs are functioning as nurseries for those who are enthusiastic for the career in journalism.
. The journalists in Sindh work under pressure of being harassed and intimidated by local goon, political parties, student unions and law-enforcing agencies.
. Some journalists change their loyalties in favour of every new government.
. In Sindh some papers serve as mouth-piece of successive governments.
. The journalists in Sindh, do exercise self-censorship to some extent due to press laws.
. Compare to past the print news media has lost its credibility.
. Among the all Urdu, English and other regional print media in Pakistan, the Sindhi journalism is more outspoken.
. If any journalist could get chance of permanent government job he would prefer to leave the profession of journalism.
. Some population of journalists in Sindh, is doing this profession as part-time.

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