Saturday, November 14, 2020

Outline Writing Video lecture by Sohail Sangi

Outline Writing  Video lecture by Sohail Sangi

Outline Writing 

How to create an outline for article, feature or any other media genre. In this video I have shared techniques on making an outline with examples. Making a Perfect outline is very important to write a piece. This is outline Tutorial explains outline format and how to write an outline for media

Libertarian Theory

Libertarian Theory  Video lecture by Sohail Sangi

Libertarian Theory

Profile examples

Profile examples  

Profile examples

Travelogue writing In Sindhi and Urdu overview

Travelogue writing In Sindhi and Urdu overview  

Video lecture by Sohail Sangi

Feature Writing: getting mastery

 Feature Writing: getting mastery 

Video lecture by Sohail Sangi on Feature Writing: getting mastery 

Feature Briefly defined

 Feature Briefly defined 

Video Lecture  on Feature writing

Introduction to Social Media

Introduction to Social Media  

Video lecture Introduction to Social Media 

Creative Writing and Media

Creative Writing and Media   

Creative Writing and Media | Understanding the creative writing 

Creative Writing for the Media to help mastery of the art and craft of writing for screen, stage, and all forms of narrative media | What is creative writing, you should know? Dialogue on Understanding the creative writing

Understanding Magazine Journalism

 Understanding Magazine Journalism 

Understanding Magazine Journalism 

Travelogue Writing Urdu and Sindhi


Travelogue Writing Urdu and Sindhi